Out of concern for the safety, welfare and enjoyment of all pool users, the following rules and regulations, many of which are Fairfax County health ordinances, have been adopted.  Please read them carefully.

The Lifeguards and/or Board Members have the authority and obligation to enforce all rules and regulations. All complaints shall be in writing via the Contact Us section of for resolution by the Board of Directors.


4pm – 8pm – Monday – Friday (until end of school June 12, 2024)

11am – 8pm – (until school resumes in August)

2pm – 8pm Weekdays after school resumes Monday through Friday

11am – 8pm Labor Day



  • Any scheduled special events that cause a change in hours will be posted at least one week in advance when possible.
  • The pool will be closed when necessary for maintenance operations or when weather conditions are considered hazardous.


  1. All members and guests are required to check in at the front desk, for pool admission. Attendees must sign out when they leave.
  2. Guests will be admitted only when accompanied by a member. Guests must leave when the member leaves.
  3. 5-guest pass bundle may be purchased for $25.
  4. The Association retains the right to limit the number of guests in the facility at all times.


  • All members must accept the following rules and conditions.
  • All members and listed family agree to be photographed for identification purposes.
  • No glass of any kind anywhere on the BMRA property.
  • Costs of any property damage shall be charged to the responsible BMRA member; if a guest is responsible, the damage shall be charged to the BMRA member.
  • No abusive or offensive behavior, including the use of profane language, intimidation or intoxication is permitted.
  • Trash shall be placed in containers provided for that purpose.
  • Special recycling bins are also provided.
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted anywhere on the premises.
  • Coolers are subject to inspection.
  • No pets are allowed on the pool site except for service dogs.
  • Hard balls and hard projectile toys are not allowed at or in the pool. All toys are subject to the guard’s discretion.
  • Bicycle riders shall use the area designated for parking bicycles.
  • Only guards shall be allowed in the guard room, except in case of an emergency.
  • No one will be permitted in the water unless attired in swimwear appropriate for a community facility.  Street clothes (except T-shirts used as a sunscreen) are expressly forbidden in the pool.
  • Open flames under the pavilion canopy are not permitted except for adult-supervised birthday candles.
  • Gas grills must always remain at least 10 feet from the pavilion.
  • Members are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their children including the grill and pavilion areas.
  • Food delivered to the pool must be consumed by closing time or taken off site. The pool will not remain open past 8 p.m. for food deliveries or consumption.
  • Repeated violation of pool rules or regulations will result in membership termination without refund.


  • If you have or have had diarrhea in the past two weeks, please do not use the pool.
  • If you or your child becomes ill, alert a guard with your name and contact information.
  • Shower your child and yourself before entering the pool or after using the toilet.
  • Bathers who are not toilet trained or incontinent adults must wear a swim diaper.
  • Do not drink pool water.
  • Persons using suntan oil or preparations must take a soap shower before re-entering the pool.  (Suntan oil affects the pool filtering system)
  • Spitting, spouting water, blowing of nose, etc. is not permitted in the pool
  • The following are NOT permitted in the pool or within 10 feet of the pool:
  • Smoking – including e-cigarettes.
  • Wearing street shoes (5 feet away)
  • Persons with an obvious skin disease, open wounds, nasal or ear discharge, inflamed eyes, or any communicable disease.
  • The following are NOT permitted within the pool enclosure:
    Glass containers of any kind
    Chewing gum
    Running or ball playing on pool deck.
    Boisterous or rough play
    Skates and skateboards.
  • Food or drink is not permitted in the pool or within 3 feet of the pool.
  • The use of kickboards, tubes, flotation devices, mattresses and all other equipment will be regulated based on safety considerations.
  • The pool will be cleared of all people in the event of an emergency or when deemed necessary for safety considerations.
  • Loitering around or on the handicap ladder at any time is not permitted.
  • The guards will evacuate the pool for a duration of 45 minutes after hearing thunder and for a duration of 1 hour after lightning.
  • Hanging on the lap lanes is not permitted.
  • Lap lanes will be limited to one hour reserved times.  A lap lane may be shared with family members.


  • All children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible individual at least 16 years old when in the pool enclosure. (BMRA does not permit dropping off children. Adults must always be present.)
  • All children up to 12 years old must pass the basic swimming test administered by the Lifeguards to swim in the main pool unaccompanied.  Any child who has not met the swimming requirements must be accompanied in the water by an adult no greater than 3 feet away while in the main pool.
  • 15-minute rest periods on the 45th minute of the hour will be called during which all children 16 years of age and under will vacate the pool.  These children may not use the baby pool during this rest period to continue swimming. Except those in the middle of swimming lessons.
  • Childrens diapers should only be changed on the changing tables in the shower areas.
  • Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper.

Rules governing the baby pool area:

  • Children must be always accompanied by a responsible person.
  • Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper.

Rules governing the diving area:

  • The deep end is for swimming OR diving, but NOT both simultaneously.
  • Should swimmers be present, and someone wants to dive, the guard will ask the swimmers to move to the area outside the roped off diving area.
  • Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time.
  • Diving is NOT allowed until the previous diver has reached the exit ladder of the pool safely.
  • No horse play on the diving board is allowed.
  • Excess bouncing on the board is not permitted.
  • No pool rafts or other obstructive recreational flotation devices are allowed in the diving area.
  • The diving board may be closed when the pool is crowded.  The diving board will be closed at the lifeguards’ discretion by placing a chair or sign on the board.
  • Diving is allowed in the diving area only.
  • Children who have not met the basic swimming requirements will not be allowed to use the diving board. They are permitted in the diving area when wearing a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device in serviceable condition and when accompanied by a parent or guardian.


  • The combination to the tennis court lock is available upon request.
  • Members will use the south gate (Edsall Roadside) for access to the courts and are responsible for locking the gate when finished.
  • Guests are permitted only when playing with a member.
  • Courts will be relinquished after one hour of play if other players are waiting.  Doubles play is encouraged at those times.
  • Inside the court enclosure:
    Only smooth-soled tennis shoes are allowed.
    Bikes, skates, general horseplay, etc. are not permitted in the court enclosure.
    No food or drinks are allowed (except water).

No food or drinks are to be disposed of in the tennis court trash cans.
No animals are allowed in this area.

The last users should lower nets by around 1-foot when overnight temperature could drop below 40 degrees.


  • Membership is defined in the BMRA bylaws as: ‘A Class A Member, spouse, children, of the immediate household, providing each permanently resides with the Class A member.” This is interpreted as a full-time resident at the address of the membership in the database. No nanny, cousin, in-law, guest, etc. are considered part of this agreement. As such, each member is responsible for his or her membership profile in the database.  Should this information be fraudulent, the membership will be terminated without refund for a term of 365 days.
  • It is BMRA’s requirement that members provide the first and last names of each person on their membership profile, (guest, child, or wife is not acceptable), a valid email address, and an emergency contact.  All of this is required for insurance purposes and to ensure valid membership for each person.  Failure to supply these elements will result in a delay in membership activation.
  • Condo owners in Jefferson Green, The Isabella, or Bren Pointe townhomes who have renters have the right to use their membership or proxy it to their renters.

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